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Sacha Lalla: Tips For Building Epic Friendships With Women

Sacha Lalla is an ambassador for women and friendships between women.

Talking about friendships might sound “elementary”… but, as Sacha Lalla explains, it’s a key that’s missing in almost every woman’s life.

Because, as Sacha points out, we humans evolved to live as hunter-gatherers, where all of our time was spent in an inseparable circle of women that we did everything with.

Our genes call upon us to experience a life of deep, all-consuming sisterhood.

But in modern society there are almost no women who have access to that…

And that, as Sacha explains, is why women today all feel so lonely.

All women have a deep longing for more, deeper friendships with other women than what we get to have in our modern lives.

That’s why Sacha Lalla wants to promote sisterhood and women friendships all across the world.

And in this episode of Women Wanting Women Sacha Lalla teaches us all about finding women to be friends with and building deep, lasting friendships with them.

Don’t miss this interview…

During the interview Sacha shares:

  • How to approach women to start a friendship with them…
  • The optimal mindsets for attracting women for friendship…
  • What to say to women, in order to connect in a way that can lead to friendship, and…
  • How the things we do to try to make friends can build our self-esteem…

Learn more about Sacha Lalla and follow her on social media…

Through her best-selling retreats, personal coaching practice and her podcast, Sacha Lalla inspires a practical, grounded approach to help women reclaim a sense of vitality and personal power at any age.

She demonstrates that by moving away from the ingrained habits and mindsets of getting older, raising a family, switching careers and life roles, a woman can bypass self-doubt, loneliness and overwhelm to instead find new connections, fresh ideas and revived romance throughout her life.

You can find Sacha on her website at and on Instagram.